Sunday, December 30, 2007

Welcome to Cops&Lawyers - subjects I have some experience with as I have been both. I spent 6 years in law enforcement at various levels before law school (park ranger , probation/parole, and street cop), worked with the public defenders office in law school, and now practice civil law.

I keep my eye on the status and issues of the criminal law, still practice some "friends and family" criminal cases, and think I have a unique perspective on the system. This blog is meant to be an open forum for INTELLIGENT, RESPECTFUL debate and discussion about issues related to not only criminal law and criminal justice, but Cops and Lawyers in general.

Please do not turn the site into Rants & Raves that cops and lawyers are all assholes, thieves, etc. If you have legitimate concerns, questions, and comments; let talk about them.

Hope to hear from you all soon.

The A-Hole

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