Monday, December 31, 2007

Death of an Innocent

A recent article in the Blade detailed the death of a two year old child at the hands of his mother and the mother's boyfriend. Debate will no doubt be held over the application of the death penalty to the boyfriend, and to the mother (although much less likely). Support for the mother will be heard from those who will argue that she was abused as well, was in fear for her life, and was not a willing accomplice in the death of her son. While those facts may be true, they do not equal justification or mitigation.

The two year old apparently had his hands tied, was burned with an iron, and beaten to death. His mother's duty in such a case, was to defend him, TO THE DEATH IF NECESSARY!! The fact that the mother survived her son speaks for itself that she did not do enough.

A debate will also rage about the fate of her other two children, and their mother's parental rights going forward. Again, a needless discussion. She has forfeited her rights as a parent by sacrificing her youngest.

The A-Hole

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