Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Jury Sees Through the Rhetoric

A Lima Jury has found Ofc. Chavalia not guilty of charges related to his shooting of Tarika Wilson during the service of a warrant at her home earlier this year. All ready the clamor of racism (the jury was white!), corruption, facism and fear has begun. Many of the comments in the blogosphere and print media mix two separate issues.

The planning and execution of this warrant should have been done better. A no-knock entry, for this suspect (given the time frame of the investigation and results), at a time when it was more likely children would be present was a mistake. Command and staff officers of the Lima PD, must address this problem and make appropriate changes.

That being said, as the facts apparently showed the jury - Officer Chavalia's split second decision to shoot/not shoot, was reasonable given the facts known at the time, the suspects actions, and the situation. Rhetoric and politics aside, Tarika Wilson's decisions and actions impacted her fate. Ofc. Chavalia must live with the fact that in the performance of his duties he took a life. That does not make him criminal, negligent, or incompetent.

The dynamics of such a situation cannot be understood by those who have not experienced it, period. Of this I know what I speak.


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