Friday, June 26, 2009


Yes, the paparazzi have the right to take photos of celebrities in PUBLIC, but none of us support or condone their METHODS.

Yes, police have a DUTY to keep our streets safe, but, red light cameras are not the proper METHOD.

They have become the CopArazzi, lost is the spirit and intent of their job and purpose. Lost to the all mighty dollar. The perfect analogy.

IN FULL DISCLOSURE - I heard this term on Bob and Tom today, from comedian Augie Smith.


Monday, June 1, 2009

I want to live in a community.................

Where the police know the residents, including the kids, by name; and watch, investigate, inquire, or contact strangers at night or if they suspect wrongdoing.

Where the police aggressively enforce traffic laws so its safe for me and my kids to drive, ride or walk on the sidewalk and streets on the way to the park; and where the community benefits from the investigations that start as traffic stops.

Where drunk, reckless, negligent, unsafe drivers know they should avoid my community because there is a higher risk the police are being vigilant and the chance of being discovered and prosecuted is real; so they choose to drive around my community.

All these things most every honest person would admit they too would like in their community. Yet they are the things being used to attack the Ottawa Hills PD in the wake of a shooting incident following a felony chase, in which a motorcycle rider may have become paralyzed.

I remain proud to live in a clean, safe, well maintained, lighted, diverse community with a pro-active police force. I thank them for their service every chance I get.