Friday, May 28, 2010

Make Memorial Day special -- seek out veterans.

Its Memorial Day weekend. Fun, sun, BBQ's, golf and the end of the school season. All great ways to celebrate. But, lets not forget the real meaning and purpose of the holiday.

Look for, be aware of, and seek out veterans and their families. If a car at the gas pump has a veteran sticker or plate, thank the driver. If you see a soldier, airman, marine or swabby in uniform at a restaurant, offer to pay their meal or pick up the tip. Visit elderly veterans in your neighborhood and cut the grass or offer a cold one.

Likewise, do the same for veteran's families.

Thank you to all who have served, continue to serve, and gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Tom Sullivan

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Support OHPD Sunday

A group of biker are holding a ride and rally at city hall Sunday to show solidarity for Mike McClosky. If you encounter them please follow the law and ideal of courtesy and decency.

However, wear your OH colors stand along Indian Road to show your support. Make the bike ride a positive experience. Attending at Village Hall will not help the PD. So show your support elswhere in the village.

Regardless of your beliefs about the McClosky shooting, our villiage and Police Dept. deserve our support.

Thank you.

Tom Sullivan.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

OHPD Video Released.

I posted quite a bit about this case when it happened, cautioning everyone to save judgment until the facts were known.

The video is very damning. Ofc. White is in serious legal trouble, criminal and civil. I can't speak to his mindset, but, I think its likely he made the CARDINAL MISTAKE of putting his finger on the trigger when he should not (rule #2), and had a negligent discharge.

Thus, he may escape an aggravated assault conviction, with a reduction to some reckless or negligent level, but his civil case is going to be an uphill battle towards settlement.

A tragedy for all.